Improve Expression and Communication
Do you feel there is a lack of emotional connectedness in your relationship? Do you feel that the emotional intimacy in your relationship is also affecting the sexual intimacy? Do you find that your partner has a difficult time talking about or expressing their feelings? Are you not connected to your feelings and have a hard time saying how you feel? Are you often afraid of expressing your feelings for fear of your partner’s reaction?
Being able to discuss emotions, both the happy feelings as well as the sad or angry feelings is something that many individuals in a relationship struggle with. The ability to be able to discuss and express our emotions is a vital part of having emotional and sexual intimacy in a relationship. Often times people do not learn how to talk about their feelings, express their wants and needs, in a helpful, productive way that allows their partner to work with them to meet their needs.
Too often people will either explode in anger or crying with overwhelming emotion, or they will withhold it and withdraw or retreat from the relationship. Either option is not helpful to the individual or to the couple.
Everyone wants to be in a relationship in which they feel understood, heard and emotionally connected. Everybody wants to be in a relationship with a strong emotional and sexual intimacy. Too often couples do not learn how to express their feelings, needs and wants. If you would like help learning how to do this to have the relationship that you would like, therapy can be great help to you. Please contact All in the Family Counseling Centre Pte Ltd to learn how therapy can be helpful to you. You can schedule an initial consultation to have your situation assessed. Please Whatsapp us at +6590307239
Schedule an initial consultation
Through an initial consultation we'll help you frame goals and outcomes of therapy and what that would look like to achieve it.