Emotional Abuse Healing

Have you recently left an emotionally abusive relationship and are feeling overwhelmed, lost, and wondering how it all happened?

Are you thinking about leaving what you suspect is an emotionally abusive relationship but not sure how to go about it?

Therapy to reconnect to yourself

  • Therapy is to focus on you, not your partner. The therapy will create a safe place to heal and reconnect to yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and identity. Often a person in an emotionally abusive relationship loses him/herself
  • Inner Child Work: Someone who gets involved in a narcissistic relationship or an emotionally abusive one often has issues that preceded meeting their abusive partner.
  • Building Life Pillars: Individuals involved with narcissistic type individuals or people with narcissism often have low self-esteem and self-worth. Therapy will help you develop yourself and your life pillars to help you know who you are.
  • Building Boundaries: Therapy helps abused individuals who often have poor or no boundaries build them so they can be safe and see people more clearly. To heal and prevent future relationships, the client will need to address each of these issues
  • Therapy can help you heal and become stronger and the best version of yourself.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse (not exhaustive) and general emotional abuse:

  • A feeling of walking on eggshells
  • Lots of Drama
  • Often starting sentences “my partner says I…” or, “my partner thinks I …” basically your emotionally abusive partner lives in your head and you filter all your ideas and thoughts through what they want or need
  • You constantly evaluate what your partner would think/say/feel about what you want/think/feel before you make your own choice
  • You don’t feel that you can make independent decisions while thinking you are independent
  • Your partner blames you for how they feel or their failings
  • You blame yourself for everything, even things like your partner misplacing their keys and eyeglasses and you take responsibility for their carelessness
  • You do not have boundaries with your partner
  • You have a lot of physical pain that doesn’t have a biological source
  • You have digestive issues
  • You constantly feel like crying
  • A constant feeling of sadness, loneliness, and being misunderstood
  • You are becoming more and more isolated from your friends and family
  • Your partner is constantly telling you what you feel is wrong and they tell you how you feel
  • Feel like something is wrong all the time
  • You find yourself constantly making excuses for your partner’s actions, words, and behaviors
  • You find it difficult to explain to your friends what your partner did to make you feel bad or confused.
  • You find it more and more difficult to make decisions or trust yourself
  • You may have been very successful and well-educated but find yourself degrading and not trusting yourself
  • You go from highs to lows. When you’re in the lows it feels horrible and you think about leaving and then it’ll get good and you tell yourself you are overreacting
  • Nightmares
  • Panic attacks
  • Self-harming behaviors
  • Binge eating
  • Avoiding things you liked to do
  • Constantly worrying and thinking about your partner’s reactions or mood
  • Letting your partner’s mood determine your mood

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you heal and become the best version of yourself and get healthy relationships.