Adults Lacking Mental Health Skills
How are you dealing with the latest COVID-19 virus crisis? Are you getting many disappointments? Are you finding your anger and frustration levels rising? Are you struggling to deal with the disappointments and setbacks that you have at work? Is having to change how you work from home frustrating you? Are you getting angry because you can’t get the appointments and meeting that you normally want? Does this result in you feeling out of control? Do you feel too big emotions of either anger, fear, anxiety or disappointment?
Crises reveal people’s true character. Crisis can uncover the deficits in individual’s mental health skills toolkit. One of the impaired revealed as a result of the Covid-19 virus is people inability effective cope with things not going the way they want to. Oftentimes people are struggling to deal with disappointments in life or when things don’t go the way they want. As this crisis looms on, people are missing out on business opportunities, loosing conferences, sales targets are being missed and family plans are being disrupted, delayed or cancelled. All of these are hugely frustration, scary and/or disappointing.
Some people are reacting in extreme ways. Their frustration tolerance may be greatly compromised. They may be acting out more in anger. People may be less tolerant or even hostile in their communication to other people. Other times, people’s anxiety may be driving them to do extreme behaviors. People who struggle daily with anger, frustration, and disappointment are often pushed over the edge during a crisis.
Resiliency and mental flexibility are skills we need on a daily basis for optimal life functioning but are critical during a crisis. Mental flexibility is something that people have to develop and learn This mental health skill requires a person to stay calm in order to see different choices and options, as well as to be able to soothe themselves and realize that not getting what you want is just a part of life. If a person can do this, they can see that often there are alternative solutions that may not give you exactly what you want but can be as satisfying, equal to, or better.
For many people, the skill to learn how to deal with disappointment and setbacks results in outsized anger reactions, attacking people, displacement of anger, and other harmful behaviors that have long term negative consequences. Crisis for certain anxious or depression prone people can set off a series of downward spiraling feelings and behaviors.
If you are finding that you are struggling to deal with setbacks and disappointments during the COVID-19 virus crisis… Good news is this is a skill that therapy can help you learn. Mental flexibility, learning how to handle life’s disappointments and difficulties are really key mental health skills. Life becomes so much easier when you have these skills. If you would like to learn more how therapy can help you, please contact All in the Family Counseling Centre Pte Ltd at +6590307239 to learn how therapy can help you. Tammy Fontana, our lead therapist, can provide you with flexible solutions of in-office, online video session or intensive therapy retreats for you or your corporate team.
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