Overcoming Breakup
Are you struggling to get over a failed relationship? Did a relationship catch you off guard by ending suddenly? Are you having a hard time finding purpose and meaning? Are you consumed by thoughts of your ex partner?
Getting over a relationship is very hard. One of the things that can make it harder is when a person has not developed their own life and identity.
One of the most common things that happen, that makes getting over a relationship more difficult, is when people enter into a relationship because they are bored or they lack purpose and meaning and they are hoping for a relationship or a romantic partner to give that to them. These things will set you up for a very difficult breakup because you have not prepared yourself for being able to have your own, independent life and instead you are putting a person in it.
One of the ways that we at All In The Family Counselling Center Pte ltd help people deal with a relationship breakup, is we help them to define and develop their own role, their own identity and their own self-worth. To have a full and rich life you need to have hobbies, you need to have interest in things that create meaning for you. Well, this sounds obvious, but it is a lot different than just doing things to kill time. It is doing things that create identity, that create community and that create purpose. A lot of people have not developed the skills that they need to know how to do this.
If this is something that is making you think that you do not have enough going on in your life, or if the answer to the lack of things in your life is to find a romantic partner, one of the things you may want to consider is therapy. Therapy can help you find new meaning and ways to think about your life, to create and find the purpose, so that you can share your life with a romantic partner – not build your life around a romantic partner.
One of the benefits to learning how to do this is, once you invest in yourself, learning now skills, learning now hobbies and interest that can help you develop your identity, this cannot be taken away in mere few seconds. When you build your life around another person and the relationship ends, all of that investment goes with the relationship and you are left with nothing. This can make it very, very difficult to get over a relationship.
If you want to learn how to become more self-reliant, more independent and build your self-worth, therapy with All In The Family Counseling Center Pte Ltd can help you. Our lead therapist, Tammy Fontana, has experience working with difficult cases, with clients who have attachment issues, with people who are having difficult time dealing with the feelings that come with the breakup. If you would like to learn how therapy can help you, please contact us at +65 9030 7239. Send us a WhatsApp for information or please e-mail us at tammy@allinthefamilycounselling.com.
All In The Family Counselling has been providing therapy for more than a decade in Singapore. We are the leading therapist that helps clients with marriage therapy, attachment issues, difficult cases, infidelity, breakups, grief. We have been providing online therapy for the past five years and provide flexibility and adaptability to this ever-changing environment. Contact us to learn how we can help you.
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