Have you been hurt before by relationships and are afraid of dating? Do you want to date but you are afraid of getting hurt? Do you know how to protect yourself in a healthy way in order to meet somebody? Are you hoping to find ways to keep yourself safe when you are dating?

Part of being a grown-up means going out into the world and having a lot of life experiences, and life experiences can produce good feelings and they can produce bad feelings. Dating is a part of grown up life in which we are going out trying to meet somebody to hopefully form a relationship and share life experiences with. As a grown-up we need to have the skills to navigate all of these feelings that life experiences will give us. Many of clients are brave enough to come into therapy to get these skills to help them deal with life and the feelings it will produce so that they can make good choices and be happy.

Unfortunately, many people do not know how to date in a healthy way in which they can keep themselves safe. What happens then is they will have dating and relationship experiences in which they have gotten hurt. Different ways they can get hurt is the other person lies to them, deceives them, cheats on them, abruptly breaks up on them. And this can produce a blindsided painful feeling. And if this has happened to you and you maybe didn’t see it coming, that the person cheated on you or they broke up with you abruptly, this can really produce surprising and overwhelming feelings that feel so bad you are afraid to go out and date, yet you want to be with somebody else.

One of the things that I, Tammy Fontana, help people deal with in their dating lives is how to date in a way to keep themselves safe. The paradoxical thing is if you are afraid of getting hurt while dating and you are cynical and perhaps blocking people and your feelings in an attempt to not get hurt, you usually end up with and suffering. You get the very thing you didn’t want, hurt.

One of the areas that we focus on in helping people to date in healthy ways and to keep themselves safe is for them to develop and learn about healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries are something that help us see other people, communicate to the world how you want to be treated and then we develop the skills that we need to process the information that comes back to us by using our boundaries. So, if boundaries are something that you want to develop or maybe you don’t even know what that means, this is something that therapy can help you with. This is definitely a way to keep yourself safe without getting hurt in relationships, helping you to find the right person and empowering you to live your best life.

All in the Family Counselling Centre Pte Ltd and Tammy Fontana have been providing therapy for over two decades. We have experience in helping people with individual issues, such as anxiety, depression, fear of failure, feelings of fraud, as well as couples. We help couples with sex and intimacy, communication, conflict management.

All in the Family Counselling has a wide range of experience and skills in dealing with clients from all regions, ethnicities, expats and mixed culture marriages. If you would like to learn more, contact us at the number above or send us an e-mail at We also can provide you a 10-minute talk with Ms. Fontana upon completion of a work sheet. Contact us to learn more. WhatsApp us at +6590307239

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